The Best Outdoor Traps for Backyard Mosquito Control

The Best Outdoor Traps for Backyard Mosquito Control

Mosquitoes can turn a pleasant evening in your backyard into an uncomfortable experience, not to mention the health risks they pose by transmitting diseases like West Nile virus and Zika. Fortunately, there are some best practices that you can implement to reduce mosquitos in your area for years to come. While there are numerous outdoor traps available on the market, there are simple steps you can take to stop mosquitos without buying anything. The goal here is to help you understand how a mosquito reproduces, so you can stop them from reproducing. 


best backyard mosquito killer trap

The Unfortunate Reality is that you are a Mosquito Magnet 

Mosquitoes are innately drawn to human beings. While slathering on repellent can help, the reality is that mosquitoes have evolved finely-tuned senses specifically to hunt down humans as sources of blood meals. No matter how diligent we are, our very existence puts mosquitoes on high alert to single us out as targets for their bites. 


Female Mosquitoes suck on Warm-Blooded Animals

We release carbon dioxide with each exhale, which can be detected by mosquitoes from an impressive distance of up to 150 feet away. Our warm body temperature of around 98.6°F also acts like a beacon that alerts mosquitoes to our presence. The unique scent produced by each person's skin plays another major role in mosquito attraction - Compounds like lactic acid, ammonia, and other substances expelled through sweat make some individuals even more enticing to mosquitoes. Whatever the reason, it's undeniable that there is something about the lifeblood flowing through our veins that lures mosquitos in– and that's exactly what they want.  


A Blood Meal is needed to make Mosquito Babies

The blood-sucking behavior of mosquitoes is not driven by a need for sustenance. Only the female mosquitoes bite, because it is a crucial part of their reproductive process. Male mosquitoes feed solely on nectar and plant juices, but the female mosquitoes require the nutrients found in blood to develop their eggs. In other words, when a female mosquito bites you and sucks out some of your blood, you are participating in a mosquito mating ritual to some extent. 


Mosquito Larvae like to grow up in Swampy Areas

When a female mosquito has enough blood, they seek out swampy areas to begin laying eggs. Something about a highly humid environment is favorable to the hatching of newborn baby mosquitoes. These environments provide the ideal conditions for mosquito larvae to grow and mature into adults.Water is required for life, and when mosquito eggs hatch, the larvae need a water-source to develop. 


Stagnant Water is the Active Ingredient for the Ideal Breeding Ground

Stagnant water in particular is the key ingredient that pregnant mosquitos seek out. The absence of currents or movement in the water allows mosquito eggs to remain undisturbed and hatch successfully. Flowing water would simply wash the eggs away before the larva even had a chance to hatch. Mosquitos also tend to like water that is relatively shallow, which has less of a chance for big  fish to eat the eggs.  

Keep a lookout for Standing Water in Outdoor Spaces

After a female mosquito bites you for a blood meal, she will begin looking for a place to lay eggs. Take a look around your yard and garden and make sure there are no areas that have shallow, stagnant water. Mosquitoes will take advantage of even the smallest sources of stagnant water to breed. Some common examples found around homes and yards include:

  • Clogged rain gutters and downspouts

  • Birdbaths and pet water bowls

  • Potted plant saucers and drainage plates

  • 5 gallon buckets

  • Children's toys, buckets, and trash cans

  • Old tires and discarded containers

  • Tree holes and stumps

  • Poorly drained areas or depressions in the yard

stop mosquito larvae in pool

How Big are the Local Populations of Mosquitos?

The local population of mosquitos can be very tricky to calculate, because one part of town might vastly differ from another. The tops of hills generally have less mosquitos. If you think about it, it makes a lot of sense– gravity drains rainfall down into the lowlands, where the water settle and stagnates, creating the perfect mosquito habitat. And mosquitos also have trouble flying in windy areas at the top of hills– so it could be a good idea to figure out ways to increase a breeze through your yard, if possible, by cutting back thick vegetation to promote airflow. 

What is the number of mosquitos per Square Feet of Coverage Area for a typical backyard? 

The number of mosquitos in your particular environment can be vastly different from one yard to the next, depending on where you are and what your individual microclimate looks like. In general, a practical estimate for a typical backyard in the southern USA might be around 1 mosquito per 50 square feet under average conditions. However, this number can increase significantly in areas with poor mosquito control and abundant breeding sites. And the number of mosquitos could be reduced to zero by understanding mosquito breeding and taking the steps to prevent them from reproducing. 

You should have solved your mosquito problem last summer  

If you are getting bit by mosquitos this summer, mosquitos have been able to reproduce in your garden area in the past. You can’t change the past but you can create a mosquito-free future. Put in the effort to reduce mosquitos for the next year. Find any potential breeding site and eliminate them if its within your control!  

The First Place to Start is Find and Eliminate any Mosquito Breeding Ground

Empty and store any containers that can collect water, such as buckets, toys, and old tires. Drill holes in the bottoms of containers that must remain outside to allow water to drain. Clean gutters and downspouts to ensure they are free of leaves and debris. Repair any leaks from outdoor faucets, hoses, or sprinkler systems to avoid creating puddles.

Prevention is the Better Option for the Best Results in Mosquito Control

Preventing mosquito infestations is the most effective way to control their populations and reduce the risk of mosquito-borne diseases. Eliminating water sources is crucial. If you have a pond Introduce natural predators, such as fish that feed on mosquito larvae. Dragonflies and bats are known to eat mosquitos, which may be a good idea to cultivate through a garden that promotes biodiversity, such as a natural swimming pools that are so full of life that they inherently get rid of mosquito larvae in pool. 


The Ovi Trap is an Excellent Option for the Best Outdoor Mosquito Killer 

Once you have reduced all potential breeding sites in your backyard, you can intentionally introduce a breeding ground that is designed to catch and kill mosquito eggs. When all other stagnant water has been taken away, mosquitos will have no choice but to lay their eggs in the mosquito killer trap. The Ovi Trap was first designed by the US military, and is endorsed by the World Health Organization to reduce dengue fever. Dalen Products has introduced the Skeet-O-Trap, which has been redesigned to work in backyard gardens

​Use the Best Mosquito Repellents

In the meantime, it makes sense to use the best mosquito repellents. Remember, anytime a female mosquito has a blood meal, she is getting ready to lay eggs. Do what you can to stop her from having a blood meal in the first place. The less mosquitos can bite, the fewer eggs will be laid. 

Lemongrass Oil is Zero Percent Deet

Ancient herbal remedies for mosquito bites are sometimes the best way and a leading authority. The lemongrass plant is the classic mosquito repellent and stands the test of time. While you may prefer something like electronic repellent cartridges instead of having to manually re-apply, the good news is the lemongrass is perfectly safe and is also safe for indoor use, if mosquitos happen to get inside your home. Sometimes its a good idea to dilute essential oils in coconut oil, for example, before applying directly onto your skin.

Citronella Candles are a Best Seller

You won't need an electrical outlet for a burning candle, but you will need to be careful whenever you play with fire. While candles are quite different from the mosquito foggers offered by a professional pest control firm, by all accounts they do offer relief and some ease of use. Not to mention the original price is quite affordable compared to industrial-grade services that may or may not have a significant effect on the electric grid, and an unknown effect on the ecosystem. 

The Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus in High Concentrations

Lemon Eucalyptus is another oil that can be beneficial in high concentrations, but you may want to dilute it a bit in a carrier oil like coconut or jojoba oil. A good rule of thumb for working with essential oils directly on your skin -- add a little drop and see if your skin reacts to it in any way. Some people are sensitive to certain plants, but any of the essential oils recommended here for mosquito relief and generally safe and smiled upon. 

A word of caution regarding Essential Oils, and an Added Bonus

Lemongrass, Citronella, and Lemon Eucalyptus are classic herbal remedies used to dissuade mosquito bites. Any of these essential oils can be found all over the internet, readily available for purchase. However, the essential oil industry is notorious for cutting their oils with cheap fillers, so do your research and support quality vendors. But the good news is all of these essentail oils are extracted from plants, and you can grow herbal remedies for mosquito bites right at home in your frontyard and backyard garden -- just their presence of a citronella plant may help keep them away! 

The problem with UV light 

Unfortunately ultraviolet light attracts more than just mosquitos. While bug zappers can and UV traps do work in some cases, in some cases they killing bugs indiscriminately, and in other cases they don't seem to work at all. While you may want any bug to die, its worth taking a moment to appreciate the ecosystem as a whole. Honeybees, for example, are doing us a great favor by pollinating our flowers and making delicious honey to share with us, and it would be sad to kill them unnecessarily when they are better ways to target mosquitos specifically. 

Insect Repellents won't always work 

Unfortunately many chemical repellents and bug sprays can be harsh on the skin and don't even work for some people, depending on the person and the type of mosquito. You may need to use a variety of tools, including the essential oils mentioned above, a bug zapper, and any other best mosquito traps. Whatever you use, at the end of the day its important to remember to not let the mosquitos have a place where they can successfully lay eggs to repeat the vicious cycle. 

Mosquito Nets are another Good Option

A screened in porch best suits most houses in the south, where mosquitos fly rampant. If your home or apartment doesn't have a permanently screened in porch, a hanging mosquito net could be a good choice. The good thing about a net is that you can depend on them a bit more than an aerosol insect repellent. Having a physical barrier between you and a bloodsucker is sure to make a difference. 


The Best Practice for Hours of Mosquito Protection

The smartest workers typically don't have just one tool in their toolbelt, so to speak. Its better to be spending time tackling the problem from multiple angles. Of course there are all the different ways to fight off the species of mosquitoes -- and we encourage you to embrace the ones that make the most sense. Take a synergistic approach, use a natural product, eliminate water features, but also ask yourself which methods are a good choice that might actually contribute to more pleasurable outdoor activities in the long term. 

If you don't act, Mosquito Season will Never End 

The big takeaway here is if you don't stop mosquitos from reproducing, mosquito season will never end. Instead, you'll be constantly fighting, year after year, with no relief in sight. Do what you can, and spread the word. With enough coordination, it is possible to have a significant effect on the mosquito population for an extended period of time. 

best outdoor trap for killing mosquito

Safe in the United States according to Environmental Protection Agency

The Ovi Trap is perfectly safe to use in backyards all across the USA. In fact, its also considered to be one of the most effective mosquito repellents in the long term that also helps with disease control. It is not an electronic device, and no chemical insecticide are used in Dalen Product's design-- just add water, and the female mosquitoes will lay eggs in the trap. When the eggs hatch. the larvae get stuck behind the screen and are trapped to death. 

The Best Way to Stop Mosquito Populations in a Large Area

The best thing you can do for your backyard is to reduce anywhere mosquitos can reproduce. It costs no money, and if everyone did it mosquito numbers would be reduced dramatically. The next best thing you can do is introduce an Ovi Trap in your backyard, so every egg that gets laid is trapped and killed. All it takes is a basic understanding of why a female mosquito bites, and where she likes to lay her eggs. 
